My Services
Team Coaching
With Team Coaching, I work with all members of a team together, to improve the way they collaborate and to enhance their contribution to the business and stakeholders.
Examples of how Team Coaching can help are:
To agree new ways of working together
To build relationships & improve communication
To increase collaboration
To agree performance goals or a common purpose
To agree a new vision or set of values
When there is a change of direction or leadership
To “reset” after a set back

1:1 Coaching
1:1 coaching provides an opportunity to speak frankly, openly and confidentially, to someone completely independent. And crucially, take action to develop and improve your performance.
It can be challenging and it may be uncomfortable at times, but there is no judgement and the intent is all about helping you to perform your absolute best.
To find out more, book a free trial.

People Consultancy
With over 25 years HR experience in the private and public sectors, I offer a wide range of UK and international expertise including working with leadership and HR teams in the development and implementation of business strategy, leading on organisational and culture change initiatives through to generalist HR activities, recruitment & selection and the implementation of HR processes.
Examples of People Consultancy:
Development of Business Values & Behaviours
Maximising Employee Engagement
Culture Change
Recruitment advice and planning
Support with restructures
Redundancy consultation & planning
Disciplinary & Grievance Support

Leadership Training
You might be interested in my 2 hour or half day workshops, which provide vital support on topics such as:
The impact of behaviour on success
Maximising Employee Engagement
Appraisals: is it time to ditch the annual review?
Working Together to prevent silo working
How to introduce new values & behaviours and get it right
Agreeing your team non-negotiables
Having difficult conversations
Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about the workshops.